Tag Archive: john maxwell


Great quote from John Maxwell:

“The whole idea of motivation is a trap. Forget motivation. Just do it. Exercise, lose weight, whatever. Do it without motivation. And then, guess what? After you start doing the thing, that’s when the motivation comes and makes it easy for you to keep on doing it.”

So true! If motivation came natural, we wouldn’t become overweight, or in debt, or spiritually cold.

What are you putting off for when you feel “motivated”? Start it today and motivation will come.

My Current Reading Schedule

There’s so much I want to read so I’m stepping up and making some time to read each day.  I’ll never get much accomplished without a plan so I’m working on several things this week.

Morning – Spend time in scriptures.

Evening – I’ve started The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell.  I’ve read the first chapter.  I also have The 21 Most Powerful Minutes In A Leader’s Day, also by Maxwell, which is a devotional using the principles from the above title.  So I am going through a chapter of the book the first day and using the devotional for the next five days to help apply it to my everyday life.  The devotional also uses Biblical characters to help re-enforce the leadership principles.

Also, I’ve started reading I Was Broke. Now I’m Not by Joe Sangl.  The Life Development Plan series that Pastor Carl has been teaching has made an impact in my life.  So many of the subjects are pretty obvious but God has used it to show me that I need to have a plan to end up somewhere on purpose and really live out the vision that God has for my life.

Several years ago I started the Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey and put many of his principles in place in our financial life.  However, we didn’t follow through and ended-up racking up more debt.  So this series has fired me up again about getting back to paying down student loan debt and saving for the future.  I’m reading Joe’s book to help get me fired up about it because Joe is definately fired up about it.  I’ve heard him speak on NewSpring’s podcast and this guy’s passion is to see others do more than they ever imagined was possible.  So I’m reading a couple chapters of that each night.

Nikki likes to read so we are making some intentional time in our family schedule to read so that it doesn’t interfere with other things in the schedule that require attention.  Reading is important but so are many other things in life.  So we want to be on purpose with the things that are important to us individually as well as a family.