Tag Archive: personal growth

Day 3 Time Squared

Time: once it’s spent, it’s gone. That’s a sobering thought in today’s reading. It doesn’t seem like I’ve been married for over 7 years. Sheridan cannot be 5. I’m 30 years old. Those are years that are gone and completed. I can’t change them but I can do things today that will impact the years still to come.

I love the 80/20 principle. As I’ve written before, time management is something God is really driving home in my current season of life. Being intentional about everything I do: time with my wife, time with my daughter, and even what I spend time on in ministry. At CrossPoint, we talk about keeping things simple. We work hard to keep things simple because it’s human nature to start creeping into complexity. And that’s no different with our life.  For so long we’ve mistaken activity for results. Somehow it feels weird to have a day off.  If we have a day empty on our calendar, we want to fill it with something.  But how are we filling our days?

When it comes right down to it, we only have 24 hours each day. Someone is going to get cheated in your schedule. Who will it be: Work? Spouse? Kids? Housework? Media? Your health? God? There’s only so much time to have each day. As Pastor Carl has preached, you have to get the big rocks in first.  If we found out we only had one month to live, I don’t think I’m going out on a limb to say the big rocks would be our only focus.

Some things I’m learning to do: have a weekly date with my wife. I’m a typical guy in that I compartmentalize things. So it’s very easy for me to stay task-oriented and focus on each day’s to-do list and not slow down to connect with my wife. So a weekly date night allows us time to just connect.

Something else is a weekly date with Sheridan. She’s growing up so fast that I want to spend as much time with her as I can and pour into her life. One day, she’ll be leaving the house and on her own, whether I like it or not. So now is the time to teach and train her for that day. (Truth be told: she usually teaches me a lot more when we’re together and I just let her talk.)

Add to those an annual family vacation and a getaway for just Nikki and I. We make those high priorities in our family budget and sacrifice in other areas to make them happen. And while we don’t have something tangible to show for them, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

I don’t have anything tangible to show for those hours each week, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything.

Last night, we attended Sheridan’s pre-school graduation program.  She did a fantastic job.  Sheridan is definitely an extrovert who loves being on stage to sing and dance in front of people.  She does not take after her dad (which I believe is a good thing).  She said her Bible verse very well (Romans 3:23) and sang at the top of her lungs in each song.  It was a proud day for me as a father but also a little sad since this means she’s growing up.  Next is elementary school in the fall.  Sheridan is very excited about going to a new school.

While pondering this last night, the Holy Spirit spoke to me.  Elementary school is a “next step” for Sheridan.  And she’s excited about taking it!  But there are Christians who haven’t taken their next step in their Christian walk due to fear, complacency, or just laziness.  What if we allowed Sheridan to continue attending pre-school year after year?  She would never be stretched or grow in knowledge and wisdom.  She would remain at the pre-school level as the years go by.  Sadly in our local churches we have people who met Christ decades ago but remain spiritual pre-schoolers.

If that’s you, I have great news!  If the Holy Spirit is leading you in a next step (baptism, regular giving, having a daily quiet time, serving in the local church, discipleship of a new believer, etc., etc.) God has already worked it out.  When you actually receive that, it makes taking that step a little easier.  Sure there may be some work involved and you might mess it up at first, but if He’s calling you to it, then He will take responsibility for the outcome.  Charles Stanley says this: God takes full responsibility for the live fully devoted to Him. And that’s so cool! That’s where I want to be: in the will of God.  It’s definitely not always comfortable or safe, but it is no longer about me trying to achieve, it’s about what God has already worked out.  And that’s my prayer for you.

You already know what God is calling you to do.  Take that next step and trust in His promises to take care of the result.