Last week, the CrossPoint staff attended the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta. It’s an annual conference where more than 12,000 leaders come together for 2 days to hear some of the best leaders speak. There’s so much to process and I’m still going over my notes and even purchased audio of the talks so I can listen again to catch the things I missed the first time.

But over the next few days, I’ll be sharing some of the quotes/thoughts that I’ve been wrestling with since the conference.

The first thought that really stuck with me was from the first session with Andy Stanley. Andy, referencing the story of Jacob and Esau from Genesis 25,talked about appetites that can never be satisfied. Those he listed were:

  • Progress
  • Responsibility
  • Respect
  • Win
  • Growth
  • Fame
  • Achievement
  • To Be Envied

Andy talked about some or all of these desires can control leaders. These desires are natural and God-created but sin distorted them. Let’s face it: we’re human, so once sin entered the picture we crave these because we’re always looking for the bigger and better.

But what really stuck with me was this idea:

“We’d all sale our birthright for the right bowl of stew. What’s your ‘bowl of stew’?”

Andy’s challenge to all of us:

1. Reframe – Look at it from God’s viewpoint and in light of what He’s called you to do. Ask: “Ten years from now, I want to be…” Let that guide your decision-making now.

2. Refrain -Do what’s wise and control your desires. Don’t let them control you.