In what will be my last post on this subject (at least for this week), I want to write about what I’m learning to be a practical way to have a sabbath.

First of all: it’s not about legalism.  I do not want to be misunderstood.  This is personal between me and God.  I simply want to put this out there and ask that you get personal with God and see how He directs you about it.

Second: it’s not about being lazy.  Having a sabbath is never about getting out of work or an excuse to lay around all day.  For me, I equate it to financial giving.  When I give 10% back to God, I’m trusting Him to meet my needs with the 90%.  The very same can be said with our time.  If I give a period of time to God, I’m trusting He will help make the rest of the week productive.  Our entire seven day week belongs to Him already.  He grants us the time, we shouldn’t be so quick to fill up every available moment with work and activities. I go hard for 5 days, then give a day to Him away from work.  This can be family fun time or used for personal study/reflection.  Each week could be a little different.  The main thing is that you’re doing something away from work that will allow you to rest from the stresses and burdens of work.

Thirdly: The specific day or period of time doesn’t really matter. For me, Sunday is a work day.  So I can’t really take a sabbath on Sunday.  For the summer, I have chosen to use Friday.   Sheridan is no longer in pre-school this summer so I will devote each Friday to daddy-daughter days.  I will disconnect from computers and my phone to just have time with her.  I’m realizing how quickly she’s growing up and want to be proactive about our time together.  So we’re going to have a fun summer of Fridays together.

For some, you may not be able to take a whole day.  Start out with an afternoon.  Take a nap, ride a bicycle, or just play with your children.  Things that will relieve the stresses that come from your work life.  It will make you feel better and I believe God will honor you giving your time.

In Choosing to Cheat, Andy Stanley says, when it comes to our work life and family life, we all will cheat somewhere.  In work life, there are many others that can do your job, but you are the only one who can fill your responsibility at home.  This woke me up to the reality that taking a sabbath is so important for my family and for me.

Again, I just challenge you to seek God about this in your life.  It may be drastically different for you.  Whatever He says, just be obedient.