Back home from vacation.  We had a great time!  The weather was beautiful.  The sea was calm.  We couldn’t have asked for much better conditions.  I still have to go through all the pictures.  I’ll post some later.

Posts will be back to a regular schedule.  It was nice to be disconnected for 5 days.  No phone or Internet.  I was able to just enjoy my vacation with my wife.  I was also able to read alot and just worship God.

After finishing “It”, I started Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson, pastor of National Community Church in Washington, D.C..  Mark talks about the cages we are in that keep us from the adventure of following God.  One thing Mark talks about is the cage of routine.  The thing about God is that He is so consistent and we end up taking Him for granted.  The sun rises and sets everyday.  Our Earth continues it’s orbit around the sun without fail. We inhale and exhale and our heart beats thousands of times a day.   And we lose sight of that because these things happen just as God has orchestrated.

While reading this I looked out at the ocean.  We saw alot of water over the last week.  The last 36 hours of our vacation was just sailing back home.  The thought hit me: the massive amount of ocean we saw and God has that in His hand.  He controls the oceans and tides.  With one movement by Him and that water would completely consume all the land.  But He maintains it, day in and day out.  And upon thinking on that, I suddenly felt so small.  Often times we think of God in human terms but, through Creation, I have to open the box that I have put God in and gaze at His sheer majesty.

As with In A Pit…, Mark Batterson has written another great book that God uses to kick me in the rear.  It makes me angry at times because it’s so spot on.  And there are things in there that God has already been dealing with me about (routines, sabbath, inadequecies). So clearly Mark has been reading my mail.  If you want to read a happy, feel-good book, this isn’t it.  But if you like to be challenged and stretched when you read, this is a great book.