Tag Archive: ed young

2009 On Purpose Part 1

The Life Development Plan series really spoke to me in the area of planning and having a purpose in all aspects of my life.  Couple that with some great leaders who God have used to speak to me through books and podcasts and I’ve really been praying about how I will approach personal growth in 2009.  I’ve written about my struggles with this process and I wanted to write an update as I am actually putting things down on the calendar.

Annual time investment

Our vacation is already on the calendar.  Ever since Sheridan was born Nikki and I have had a getaway by ourselves and a separate family vacation.  This year will be no exception.  We may not be able to getaway but for a few days but it’s already on the calendar and will be booked after first of the year so we can save up (because even financially we have to end up somewhere on purpose).  And the family vacation will probably be joining my parents for a few days when they are at the beach.  I love getting away for a few days.  It gives me something to look forward to.

I’ve always enjoyed attending conferences.  I love to be motivated and inspired by others who are making things happen.  I am attending Unleash conference at NewSpring church in March. For the last couple of years Ed Young has went on the road and did a one day C3 Conference nearby.  I’m hoping that will happen again in 2009 and we’ll be able to attend.  I’m trying to decide if I’ll be able to swing a multi-day event.  I’d really like to attend Catalyst in the fall, but I need to crunch the numbers on that one.

The final annual investment is review time at the end of 2009 to plan 2010.

In my next post I’ll review my monthly time investments.

Currently Reading

Shuffling two books right now:

Small groups are coming to CrossPoint this fall. I’ve been a member of a small group, so I have that knowledge, but I’m really trying to absorb the bigger picture of small groups in relation to creating community in the local church. At CrossPoint, we want to be a church of small groups, not just with small groups. And the Ed Young book is teaching me to tap into the God-given gift of creativity.

Two trips out of town have now created a backlog of books to read as I’ve hit several big bookstores. I was trying to read one and then buy another so that I don’t create a backlog. Too late! Just more to go through, which isn’t a bad thing by any means.

C3 Conference

I’m attending the C3 On the Road conference next Monday. Nikki and I are attending with our pastor and his wife. This is one day version of the international 3 day conference that Ed Young (pastor of Fellowship Church in Grapevine, TX) hosts. He’s hitting several cities throughout the country and one of them is Myrtle Beach. Barefoot Community Church in North Myrtle Beach is hosting.

I’m really excited to hear Ed in person, I’ve been listening to and watching him since my pastor first turned me on to him. Ed is a great communicator and uses visuals to teach and speaks in a contemporary way that brings timeless truths to a modern world.

I can’t wait to hear what is in store for us.