As I wrote yesterday, I’m in the midst of reading Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson.  There is a chapter on the Cage of Routine.  I know all about that cage.  I operated in that cage for years.  My Christian walk and church-life was nothing but a routine. Some routines are good.  Everyone around you thanks you for your routine of taking a shower and brushing your teeth.  And I’m a believer in getting your child in a routine.  That’s a must.

I’ve often wrote about the spiritual revival that God has been doing in my heart this year.  Part of that is due to the routine of daily quiet time.  However, I find myself getting into a routine of how I do my quiet time.  I get up at the same time, read the same Bible, and then pray.

Mark writes that he has found himself doing that as well and he recommends something to mix it up to break the routine. One thing he suggests is trying a different translation.  I’m reading through the book of John along with our Growth Groups.  I have read the first 3 chapters in the NIV, I think tomorrow I will read through them in the NLT and then move to The Message.  Those are my 3 preferred translations, but I might even try NKJV with the help of

Something else I’m really really dealing with is a weekly unplugging from technology.  A technology sabbath, if you will. Computers and the Internet have become such an integral part of my life that I feel like I’m relying on them too much.  It’s what I do 40 hours a week at my job as well as how I serve God at CrossPoint.  Being offline last week opened my eyes to some things.  More on this later as I feel God’s leading.

Have you found yourself in a routine?  Maybe you’ve caught yourself following God from left-brain memory rather than right-brain creativity.  Now’s the time to shake it up and alter the routine to reconnect with God creatively rather than have more of the same routine.