God has taught me so much through my daughter.  He speaks to me through our relationship has father-child and also through her childlike faith.

I’m loving our daddy-daughter days so far.  I’m already planning ahead what we’re going to do each week.  I think I look forward to it as much as she does.

Also on Monday, Sheridan and I visited Mabry Mill.  My family went there a lot when I was a kid so it was always fun for me to go.  And now I enjoy going with my family, if for nothing more than the nostalgia.  While there, Sheridan was talking about how much fun we were having as we walked hand in hand and I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me.  It caught me off guard at first.  “Don’t make these special days like how some people view my church.  Be careful not to give her one day a week and ignore her the other six.”

I love our daddy-daughter days each week because we are doing things that are fun.  Nikki and I have purposefully cut back in a few areas of the budget so we can put money aside to do some fun things with Sheridan this summer.  I know me.  If we just stayed home, we would end up in front of the tv, not really spending quality time together.  So I am being purposeful about the time together 1 day each week.  However, that could very easily become a token day to make myself feel good that I’m spending time with her.  And sadly so many people view church each week the same way.

I used to be a Sunday morning Christian.  I used to show up at church each week like I was doing God a favor.  I gave Him 90 minutes each week then went about the rest of my week feeling like I was doing just fine on my own.  It wasn’t until I started serving in ministry that I realized the importance of church and then the importance of a daily walk with Christ.  Through that, Jesus became relevant to me and I found out how much I needed him to get me through each day.

So my next step is to invest time each day with Sheridan to build our relationship with each other. What’s your next step in your family?  Is there someone in which you need to invest purposeful, quality time?  What about your personal relationship with Christ?  Where are you with him?  What’s the next step God is calling you to take for Him?