God has taught me so much through my daughter.  He speaks to me through our relationship has father-child and also through her childlike faith.

I’ve written some about what God is teaching me about rest.  One way of staying accountable with that during the summer is spending that day with my daughter.  On most weeks that is Friday.  However, this week I had to change it to Monday because Sheridan had to stay with me anyway.  So I took the day off and spent yesterday with her on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

It was a beautiful day and we had a blast together.  We were able to look at God’s creation and talk about Him.  She talked about how big the mountains were and how far you could see them.  I asked her who made the mountains.  “God did”, she said.  Then I asked her: “if God made those mountains, then how big is God?”.  Her eyes widened.  “He’s REALLY big!”

In Matthew 17, a father brought his son to Jesus.  He had originally asked the disciples to help his son but they failed to drive the demon out of the boy.  Jesus rebuked the demon and healed the boy.  Afterwards the disciples asked Jesus why they were not successful.  In verse 20, Jesus responded:

“Because you’re not yet taking God seriously,” said Jesus. “The simple truth is that if you had a mere kernel of faith, a poppy seed, say, you would tell this mountain, ‘Move!’ and it would move. There is nothing you wouldn’t be able to tackle.” (The Message)

Sometimes it takes looking at things from a different perspective to realize who we have on our side.  I love looking at creation to remind myself of how big our God really is.  When I read that story, my human mind wants to think: yeah, but a mountain is huge!  But when you stand on top of a mountain and look down and realize that there’s a Creator that’s even bigger!  Wow, that mountain is huge but we have access to the One who molded it with His hand!  And Jesus said with just a little grain of faith, through Him there’s nothing we can’t accomplish.

So we just need to change our perspective.  Look down at the problem so you can see just how big God really is.