Today has been a great day. Today’s experience at CrossPoint was awesome! Never get tired of seeing lives changed by coming to Christ.  We had 4 people raise their hand that they accepted Christ.  I pray that we never get over the excitement of that.  It’s a God thing and it’s truly an honor just to have a small part in it.

Thoughts from today:

  • Big things are coming that will put us more in the community to reach those far from God. I can’t wait!
  • A Safe church will strive to keep others happy, avoid the tough issues, and be afraid of new methods.
  • CrossPoint will not be a safe church!
  • In a safe church, you just want to get the service over with. With a dangerous church, you’re looking forward to Sunday all week long. There’s an anticipation of what God is going to do.
  • The Table is one of my favorite series. Watch for it later this year. You don’t want to miss it.
  • Real ministry is messy, ugly, and dirty. In a dangerous church there is risk, pain, and loss. But the life change that comes out of it makes it all worth it.
  • When I accepted a full-time position with CrossPoint, the following 3-4 weeks were rough. There were health issues, car broke down, and other financial struggles. It was tough but it also encouraged me because I knew the enemy was attacking because something big was about to happen. It was a big risk. I was stepping away from something that was safe and going into something that could be financially dangerous. But it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
  • We have awesome volunteers at CrossPoint! So many are already plugged in and helping lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. But there are some who aren’t serving and chances are we have an opportunity for you to dive in in an area that God has gifted you. It’s no longer just about teaching or singing. We have dozens of places you can serve. Contact Lori to find out where you can get involved.
  • Risk. Fail. Learn. Adjust.
  • Hokey-pokey Christian was a great illustration. Lives are being changed at CrossPoint because people are putting their wholeselves in for the cause of Christ. It’s not always easy or comfortable and it’s definitely not always safe, but it’s the most fulfilling place you can be.
  • Had new partners join the mission of CrossPoint.
  • Had lunch with my parents today.  Good time of fellowship and some good BBQ.
  • Love Sunday afternoon naps!  Had a pretty long one today.  Must have been running on adrenaline.
  • A woman in her mid-thirties passed away today from cancer.  Remember that husband, children, and family in your prayers.

Thank you to all the volunteers who served today. Because you gave of yourself sacrificially today, God worked through that and changed lives.  Keep up the great work and giving Him glory!