I’ve been fortunate enough to attend a couple conferences this year: Unleash and InnovateChurch.  Both conferences were hosted by mega-churches (churches that run several thousand each week).  The first time I went to one of these conferences I expected to be given a magic formula for growth. “Do x and in 2 weeks or less you will double in size.” But nothing like that happened.  Instead I was taken aback by the simplicity of what was said: It’s not about a process, but a Person – Jesus.

It sounds simple but really it’s much more complex.

Peggy Schaub from Blue Ridge Community was with us last December.  A statement she said has continually stuck with me: “The only thing we have to offer each other is our relationship with Christ.” We can only be as effective as our walk with God.  That’s very humbling for me.

Since returning from the InnovateChurch conference something that I’m wrestling with is who do I have in mind when planning the Sunday Experience at CrossPoint?  Do I want to impress the people in the seats or the One who truly desrves it?  Something we talk about within our worship band and drama team is focusing on the Audience of One.  If we create an experience that honors God, then He will move and lives will be changed.  And that’s why we do what we do at CrossPoint.