I’m going to be transparent today. 

This morning I picked up in John chapter 7 as we continue our reading through John during these 8 weeks of Growth Groups.  During my prayer time, I had no idea what to pray about.  Have you ever felt that way?  So you just sit there and listen, trying to hear the voice of God.  In that time, I believe God showed me what I needed to talk with Him about this morning.  

On the side, I’m currently reading the book Visioneering by Andy Stanley.  He describes a vision as a dream about turning what is into what could be. Since my quiet time this morning, I’ve been thinking about some things and what they could be.  Honestly, it has me a little down because I don’t know how to get from here to there.  But that’s where God comes in.  God wouldn’t birth anything in us that we could accomplish on our own.  He wants to do great things (that only He can orchestrate) through us. 

So today there may be some rain.  But you won’t see a rainbow without it.