Our leadership retreat this weekend was awesome!  We had a great time together and even got some work done.  We came off a spiritual high of that trip into a Sunday that just seem to go all wrong before 10:30.  It was no one’s fault, just one of those mornings where things just don’t seem to fall into place.  But by 10:30, everything seemed to click.  Jesus was preached and our daily walk with God was discussed.  It seemed to connect with many people.  It’s something we don’t like to talk about but our spiritual disciplines have a big effect on our lives and how we deal with others (which is coming next week).  To top it all off, on a race weekend we had 300 people there and a big time offering for a third Sunday.  God is so good!

Some big things on the horizon at CrossPoint.  If we just stay faithful and really seek wisdom and His vision for CrossPoint, there’s nothing too big for Him.