Continuing in a discussion on Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson.

Another cage some find themselves in is the cage of assumptions.  An assumption is something unproven we’ve believed or understood about ourselves for so long that we now accept as fact.  I’ve wrote before about how I often times feel like Moses.  Moses was big on assumptions.  God (who created Moses) spoke directly to Moses to give him the project of leading the Israelites to the Promise Land.  Yet, Moses begain telling God exactly why he could not do it.  How funny is that? The created telling the Creator, “You just don’t know…” Moses used assumptions he had made about himself as excuses with God.

What’s sad is that I’ve done that myself.  I’ve been in ministry for close to 7 years.  Those seven years have been spent behind the camera and I always joked that God put me behind the camera because I didn’t belong in front of it.  That grew from a joke to something accepted as fact.  But lately God has been poking at that assumption within my spirit (even before I knew about spiritual assumptions).  I’ve been getting unsettled with myself about this.  First I read the chapter on the cage of assumptions then I found out about a new Andy Stanley Leadership podcast.  The first episode? Yep, you guessed it: assumptions.

Then, this morning I was listening to Big Daddy Weave‘s latest album What Life Would Be Like and the title track came on (which I’ve listened to many times before on my ipod and on the radio) but the words finally connected with me because God had this very topic on my mind:

What if you could see yourself thru another pair of eyes
What if you could hear the truth
Instead of old familiar lies
What if you could feel inside
The power of the hand that made the universe You’d realize

That He made the lame walk and the dumb talk
And He opened blinded eyes to see
That the sun rises on His time
Yet He knows our deepest desperate need
And the world waits while His heart aches
To realize the dream
I wonder what life would be like if we let Jesus live thru you and me

Too many old familiar lies.  This is something I’m wrestling with.  I don’t have the answers but I do know I made a commitment in last night’s creative meeting.  I’m stepping out, slowly but surely.  Like Peter, I’m scared but I just don’t want to look down (or into the camera).

Are there assumptions you have about yourself or your church that really aren’t true?