Just a quick update:

1) Upgrades at work are just about complete.  Last site will be completed tomorrow (Wednesday).  It’s been going well, just makes for long days.  15, 11, and 10 hour days so far.  And we’re working right through lunch.  We’ll see what tomorrow brings. (Vacation next week couldn’t come at a better time.)

2) Started the book of James this morning.  I found a Saddleback podcast (Drivetime devotionals) that covered James a while back and downloaded the episodes.  I can listen to one each day to go along with my reading.  I’ve read through James before but I always get something new when I read it.

3) Looking forward to reading through John when Growth Groups begin.  I’m a big supporter of reading the Bible each day and I know that having a group discussion during the week would promote greater understanding and learning through community that wouldn’t necessarily come from listening to a Sunday preaching series on John.

Hopefully I can get back on schedule in another day or so.