• A great day in the house of the Lord.
  • Attendance was down a little.
  • Saw 1 cross the line of faith.
  • God is working each week.  We’ve seen this happen week in and week out.  I pray we never take that for granted.
  • It was a sad day.  It was Rich and Laurel’s last service with us before they move to Newport News.  I’m losing a ministry partner but more importantly very dear friends.  They will be missed.  They were both so active in CrossPoint and the community that some people will have to step up to fill such a big whole.  But I know God has already gifted those people to step right in.  But I love that family and will pray for them as they start a new ministry in Newport News.
  • Already, I had one person step right in to help with graphics.  He caught on really quickly and will only get better as he gets used to it.
  • I was exhausted after service today.  Don’t know why.  But I’m thankful for a good afternoon nap.  Woke up rested for more meetings this evening.
  • Had our final Growth Groups training.  I’m looking forward to what God is going to do through Groups.  Everyone seems enthusiastic about them.
  • We have some great leaders, hosts, and people who’ve joined.  It’s still not too late to sign up but the groups are filling fast.
  • Had a good talk tonight with another guy interested in helping with graphics and video.  Just to brag on God: Rich is moving away but God has sent 2 guys interested in helping out.  I’m anxious to get more people in a rotation to spread out the responsibility.
  • After Growth Group meeting, we had a Leadership Team meeting.  It was our first one in several weeks, so we had a lot to catch up on.
  • That is our small group, so we’ll be back to regular meetings starting in October.
  • I love the guys I get to serve with each Sunday!
  • Love the setup crew.  That’s some dedication to be there at 7 am week in and week out.  It’s crucial.
  • Busy week ahead.  More upgrades to do at work.  And creative team meeting and helping feed Bassett High football team on Friday.  Plus, we have to pack for our vacation.
  • Only 6 more days until we sail away!